By activating either the Sample Combiner or the Beat Combiner, you enter Playground Mode. This is a safe space where you can experiment and completely change your current kit and beat. Scary but fun! You can always click Cancel to go back to the exact state you were in when entering Playground Mode.
Tap into an endless source of happy accidents by swapping patterns or randomizing sounds - one by one, or all at once. Sometimes a weird or unexpected combination sounds really great alongside the rest of your track so don’t always listen to XO in isolation!
Sample Combiner — Live Filter Mode
The Live Filter Mode in the Sample Combiner is a powerful tool that forces the whole kit to change at every change in the Search & Filter panel. Get a beat going, activate Live Filter Mode (the Search & Filter panel pops up) and do some filtering. Your kit will update in realtime. Lock the lanes you like to avoid further changes to them.