- Delay section
- Crossfader & Delerb Graph section
- Reverb section
- EQ
- MIDI Trig Gate
- Output Section with Routing
- Channel FX Sends
The FX Section of AD2 consists of two identical Delerb units (a delay that is fed into a reverb). Each channel in the mixer section can send to these effects.
The Delerb Output knobs are available in the Mixer section as well, where you can adjust volume and pan, before they are summed in the Master channel together with the other channels.
Delay Time can be set in ms, or you can click the Tempo Sync button to sync the delay to the current tempo. You can also click-hold and drag the Delerb Graph left/right to adjust delay time and reverb.
Feedback controls how many repeats you will hear before the delay fades out. At 0% you get one repeat. At 100% the delay repeats infinitely. You can also click-hold and drag the Delerb Graph up/down to adjust the delay feedback.
Swing adds a swing or shuffle effect to the echo repeats, and Ping Pong makes the sound bounce back and forth between the left and right output channels, creating a distinct stereo effect.
Range limits the frequency range of the delay.
Crossfader & Delerb graph
The display shows a visual graph of the current Delerb decay, and it will update as you move the Delerb Crossfader to set the balance between the delay and the reverb.
This effect offers several types of reverb, selectable with the Arrow Buttons, or by clicking the reverb type Name.
The Pre-delay is useful for placing the reverb slightly after the drum transients, which can make the mix clearer and more punchy.
Decay adjusts the reverb time. You can also click-hold and drag the Delerb Graph up/down to adjust the reverb decay.
Damping lets you manage high frequency reflections and ringing, while Swirl adds thickness to the reverb tail.
Swirl adds a thick chorus effect to the reverb tail
This EQ has 2 bands - other than that please see description in the Channel Inserts section.
Trig Gate
See description in the Channel Inserts section
Output section with routing
Apart from controls for Output Level & Panning, there are some routing options for the Delerb outputs:
- Pre Master Inserts (example of usage: you want to compress and filter the whole mix including reverb using the Master Inserts)
- Post Master Inserts (example of usage: you want to compress the complete kit heavily on the master bus, but keep the reverb uncompressed and natural)
You can also control the FX 1&2 output levels directly in the Send FX section in the Mixer. Here you can also solo the Delerb signal to hear it with the dry signal excluded.
FX sends
Shows the Send amounts from the different Mixer Channels.