This section provides lots of control over the raw sounds.
Right clicking will allow you either copy all the settings or copy the setting for the individual module (Response or Pitch settings for example).
Kitpiece Selector
Select a Kitpiece for editing by clicking on the corresponding button.
Basic settings
For each Kitpiece you can set overall Volume (in the Kitpiece Slot), plus Level, Pan and Width for the OH (Overhead) and Room channels.
Kitpiece controls
Response: This section controls how velocity affects:
- Volume - at 0% the volume is constant no matter the velocity. At 100% the dynamic range is “as recorded” for that Kitpiece. At 100-200% the dynamic range is extended downwards to provide even softer hits at low velocities.
- Filter - allows you to exaggerate the normal roll off of high frequencies when hitting a drum more softly, also great for Trig Kitpieces that may not have samples recorded for low velocities.
- Sample Layer Selection - by default Addictive Drums uses samples recorded at various velocities for a natural response. But with this control you can choose to exclude the softest or hardest samples, or even restrict sample selection to a single sample layer.
NoAlts - Addictive Drums generally uses alternate (“round robin”) sample hits for each layer. This avoids the “shotgun” effect associated with single samples and fast drum rolls. However, by activating NoAlts you can turn off the alternate hits and make things sound more static and machine-like.
Pitch: The Main pitch can be adjusted 12 semitones up or down. You can also Offset the Overhead & Room channels 12 semitones up/down in relation to this.
Tone Designer: The Tone Designer is available for Kick and Snare. It lets you control the decay of the tonal part of the drum without changing the decay of the “noise” and room. By reducing ringing overtones or booming low end, you can easily make a drum sound more "dampened" without changing the overall volume or perceived length/decay/ambience.
Each Kick and Snare in the Addictive Drums library has been analyzed and has a custom frequency profile. By pulling the End parameter up/down you can get an overview of the frequency bands affected.
Both the Start and End levels can go above the center line to boost levels if needed.
Pitch Envelope: Control the Start, Hold Time and Release Time. You can let velocity control the amount of Pitch Envelope applied by using the Vel control.
Volume Envelope: Control the Attack Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Sustain Time and Release Time. You can let velocity control the Attack Time by using the Vel control, simply increase it to create a softer sound at lower velocities.
Cut: A High / Low Cut Filter that affects all channels (Close/Overhead/Room)
Tip: Right clicking enables you to copy Channel Settings or Insert Effect settings from one Channel or Effect to another. Or from one instance of Addictive Drums to another!