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Trig type selector
The first and most important setting: Set the desired usage (triggering Kick, Snare, Tom 1, 2, 3 or 4). This determines what 'role' Addictive Trigger has. If it is set to 'Kick', only Kick presets will be listed, the exported MIDI plays on the "kick" key etc.
Preset section
- Click the Preset Name or the LOAD button to open the Preset Browser and choose presets, or click the Up/Down arrows to get to the next or previous preset.
- PresetSync: If you are using more than one instance (for example one AT on Kick, one AT on Snare, and one AT on each Tom track) click the SYNC button on each instance to use "Preset Sync" loading: Change preset in one instance, and all the others follow along. You can now switch the whole "kit" at once! Also great for loading all 4 toms from a certain kit at once, or browse our Kick+Snare preset combos.
- Tip: If you want to browse nothing but "full kits" to find a good basic sound, simply open up one of the Tom instances and use the up/down arrows from there. The system works by looking for presets with the same name, and there are matching kick and snare presets for all tom presets (but not the other way around).
- Click the SAVE button to save your own presets. If you are using multiple instances, and want to save a "full kit" for later use, simply save your presets using the same name in each instance (i.e "My Super Kit"). Now you'll be able to load them simultaneously using the PresetSync functionality.
Page navigation
Navigate between the main pages in Addictive Trigger, TRIG, EDIT and FX.
Top Menu
This button brings up a sub menu with these selections:
- Addictive Trigger Manual PDF (same as this user guide but in PDF form)
- Addictive Drums 2 Manual PDF
- UI Scaling & Settings (change the size of the AD2 interface)
- Go to xlnaudio.com
- About Addictive Trigger (same as clicking the big logo top left)