Most of the sound processing parameters can be automated in your DAW.
For every lane you can automate:
- Mute, Solo, Volume
- Pitch, Pitch Spread Mode
- Pan, Pan Haas Mode
- Tone
- Cut Lo, Cut Hi
- Reverb Send, Delay Send
- Env Transient, Env Hold, Env Decay
- Mute Group
For the entire kit you can automate:
- Level
- Pitch
- Reverb Send, Delay Send
For the reverb and delay FX you can automate:
- Enable
- Length
- Tone
For the Master you can automate:
- Crunch Amount
- Cut Hi, Cut Lo
Control Life with MIDI
Open the ”MIDI Control” panel from the ☰ menu in the top bar to get an overview of how to control Life using MIDI, and to set up MIDI CC.
MIDI keys
You can play both processed and raw slices on your keyboard, as well as switch between beats in your shortlist, and even play the kick. The top half of the panel shows which keys are mapped to what. You can choose whether you want to see the keys as MIDI note numbers (middle C = 60), Roland (middle C = C4), or Yamaha (middle C = C3).
The bottom half of the panel lets you enable/disable MIDI CC, and lists the things you can control via MIDI CC. To assign MIDI CC for a parameter, click the ”Learn CC” button shown on top of that parameter and rotate the knob on your MIDI controller that you want to assign.
Important! The macro controls (Sound & Pattern Variation, Density, Syncopation, and Symmetry) let you tweak your beat in lots of fun ways, but there is one caveat: They are not sample accurate, like the automation is. This means that if you record the movements and then play them back, you might get slightly different results each time. This shouldn’t stop you from mapping them to your favorite MIDI controller and playing around – it’s a fast and intuitive way to find a beat that works!