Life lets you export your entire beat and individual slices using drag and drop. Exporting is done from the export panel, which you can open by clicking the “Export” button in the right side of the top bar.
Choosing an export folder
The rendered files need to be saved in a temporary export folder so they can be dragged into your host. The first time you use Life you will be prompted to select that folder.
Important! It is always good practice to make sure files used in a DAW project are copied to the DAW project folder. Some DAWs do this automatically whenever a file is imported/dropped. Check your DAW settings and documentation for more info.
Export raw slices/sounds
When the export panel is open, you can drag individual samples straight from the source file waveform into your DAW or a folder on your computer. This will export the raw unprocessed slice. You can also export all slices or the currently active slices from the export panel, as well as the entire source file.
Export beat, stems and processed slices
Before you can export the beat, stems or processed slices, they need to be rendered. Click the thing you want to export to render it. When it is ready to be exported, it will get a small arrow in the corner. Then drag it into your DAW or a folder on your computer to export it. When you tweak your beat, you need to re-render before you can export again.
Export MIDI
You can also export the MIDI for the beat into your DAW by dragging “Beat as MIDI” from the export panel. Make sure to drop it on the track where you have Life set up as an instrument.